The Value of Remote Monitoring in This Time of a Pandemic Cannot Be Overstated
It’s July 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic is not only still with us, but several states in the US are experiencing rising numbers of cases and have yet to hit their peak. We’d like to share some guidance that was recently published by the Heart Rhythm Society’s Rapid Response Task Force, which we are following.
It remains vitally important for providers and the patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) they are caring for to limit possible exposure to the virus. The organization stated, “Every effort should be made to perform CIED interrogation via remote monitoring (RM) rather than in-person visits.” IronRod Health ensures continued safe and accurate CIED interrogation and reporting. We provide services from the time of implantation and can provide the most current updates at any point (including just prior to a scheduled provider visit).
Telehealth appointments remain the recommended visit type, to protect medical professionals and patients with CIEDs. The value of remote monitoring in this time of a pandemic cannot be overstated. We are able to report on even the slightest, most subtle changes in heart rate or rhythm detected by the CIED, allowing the patient’s medical professional to review these changes much faster than even a virtual office visit, and to then schedule that virtual office visit for further examination and investigation of these new findings.
To learn more about IronRod Health’s remote monitoring services and how we have met COVID-19 head-on to ensure CIED patients and their providers are kept well informed, please contact us.
From the heart,
HRS COVID-19 Task Force Update: Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) Management (April 15, 2020)
Goal: Provide appropriate care to patients living with implanted cardiac devices while limiting exposure to staff and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
Every effort should be made to perform CIED interrogation via remote monitoring (RM) rather than in-person visits. This includes:
Initiation of RM at time of CIED implantation
Enrollment of all non-enrolled CIED patients into RM
Continuation of RM for all CIEDs previously enrolled in RM
Conversion of all routine CIED evaluation office visits to RM visits
Request RM check prior to Virtual Visits, if visit separate from CIED interrogation is needed
Connecting the Omron Complete Blood Pressure Cuff
IronRod Health’s Remote Physiologic Services allow physicians to remotely monitor their patients’ blood pressure, EKG, and weight over time to gain a better understanding of each patient’s health outside of the traditional care setting. We now offer the dual-purpose Omron Complete Monitor that measures blood pressure and EKG simultaneously. This state of the art EKG technology developed with market-leader AliveCor uses an advanced algorithm for improved detection of atrial fibrillation along with trusted medical-grade blood pressure measurement to provide a more complete heart health picture for the physician and greater peace of mind for the patient.
The Battle Against Hypertension
Those in the medical field are all too familiar with the devastation of hypertension, as every single day thousands are treated for this chronic illness. Unfortunately, not everyone knows they have this affliction until it’s too late, meaning thousands are not receiving lifesaving, ongoing treatment for the condition. Due to its insidious nature, hypertension is known as a silent killer. While many cases are preventable, humans will be humans. There will always be stress, obesity, drinking, smoking, lack of sleep, and avoidance of exercise contributing to this deadly disease.
When looking at the societal impact of hypertension, it makes sense to focus on places where people spend much of their time, like with family and friends, the workplace, and the community. All three can play a role in improving hypertension statistics, and each has a stake in the outcome.
Read Label, Eat Crisps, Exercise for a Bit…Maybe?
The United Kingdom is contemplating an innovative yet surprisingly simple update to food and drink labels in an effort to fight obesity. PACE, short for Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent, would join the current nutrition facts, and provide a bit of information on what the person could “trade” in exchange for consuming a serving of that particular item. UK citizens may soon be able to find out how many minutes it would take on the treadmill to burn off their favorite sweet or bag of crisps, and they wouldn’t even need an app on their phone to look it up.
The exercise information would be in the form of a symbol, and the theory is PACE labels would allow shoppers to make more informed – and hopefully healthier – choices; and this would lead to less obesity in the UK. There are strong opinions on either side of the suggestion offering their thoughts on why the PACE idea is good and bad.